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Expedited Shipping ServicesUpdated 8 months ago

Expedited Shipping Services 

All orders placed before 10:30 AM EST for expedited shipping services (including next day delivery, 2-day deliver) will be shipped on the same day. All orders after 10:30 AM EST will be shipped on the following day. If there are any delays in expedited shipping services caused by the carrier, we will work together with the customer to resolve the issue to the best of our ability however we cannot make any guarantees as it is entirely up to the carrier for reimbursement. Please note that delays caused by weather or acts of god are not eligible for refunds as the carriers do not offer refunds for such causes. 

Premium Shipping

This shipping option offers an estimated delivery date at an additional charge. If the delivery is not met by the given date, full shipping cost will be refunded. Please note that delays caused by weather or acts of god are not eligible for refunds as the carriers do not offer refunds for such causes. 

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